History and game-changing technology
The history of Allendale Artworks and Artifacts began in 2016. Fred Litt, an experienced IT professional and family historian, began locating, digitizing, and organizing Allendale’s
The next challenge was how this growing collection could be shared. First, a Facebook page, @AllendaleArtworksAndArtifacts was created, offering daily bits and pieces from Allendale’s history. In 2021, Fred’s first book, Images of America: Allendale, was published. This was followed by Volume One and Volume Two of his Allendale Memories series published on Amazon.com
The above platforms have become incredibly successful. However, they are limited in their ability to share the over 50,000 individual items that now compose the Allendale Artworks And Artifacts digital database.
A new web site, http://www.AllendaleArtworksAndArtifacts.com, to the rescue. This on-line platform can deliver unlimited resources to a worldwide audience. The web site is being introduced now and your feedback is encouraged.
Visitors will be offered many of our products, including Facebook posts and many of our most significant collections. All of our content is made available from the menu at the top of every page. This is perfect for the casual history enthusiast. Many Allendale history enthusiasts do no use social media, so we have brought our Facebook posts to this website with no Facebook account required.
Ongoing supporters will be given the opportunity to become Subscribers. They will be given unique access to our complete digital collection and advanced research technologies. Contact Fred Litt to request how to become a Subscriber. Subscriber status is under development. As such, our content is available today for FREE.