Allendale Artworks and Artifacts has been the beneficiary of the trust and generosity of dozens of Allendale families, community organizations and government agencies. Since beginning this project in 2016, over 50,000 individual items have been recovered, digitally preserved, and now shared across multiple print and on-line platforms. Personal stories and guidance were provided to me by some very special people. If you enjoy our effort, thank the people and organizations below (not listed in any specific order).

Tackaberry, Marilyn (nee Wilson). My guiding light and inspiration. The historian for the Wilson family. Incredible memory, great storyteller, loyal friend.
Grosman, Jack. Shared his personal collection of postcards, maps, and stories of growing up in Allendale. One of Allendale’s few remaining historians.
Allendale Historical Society (AHS) / Patricia Wardell. From its beginning in 1974, AHS was the “go to” organization for attracting historic assets and turning them into history. Pat Wardell was the editor of their newsletter for about 24 years. Given Pat’s contributions to researching and documenting the history of Allendale, the mayor and council named her Allendale’s Historian Emerita. Joanne Hart keeps AHS alive, with their historic treasures now being kept at the Fell House.
Bergen County Clerk’s Office. County Clerk John Hogan has made it his mission to digitize the county historic records. We benefit from his efforts as we have copies of the original formation documents of the borough of Allendale as well as ready access to street survey and land deeds.
Borough of Allendale. Much of historical research is based on events recorded at public meetings of municipal agencies. Since the formation of the borough in 1894, the borough administration has been able to safeguard a significant collection of its public meeting minutes, municipal documents, et al.
Allendale Public Schools. Allendale’s first public school was established in 1826, then 1862, 1896, 1929, with Hillside Elementary school added in 1967. I have been able to locate early Board of Education meeting minutes for 1890-1898.
Allendale Fire Department. Despite their first firehouse, built in 1913, burned down in 1963, much of their history has been saved and shared with us.
Allendale Ambulance Corps. They have shared everything they have since the AAC was formed in 1937.
Wilson Family. The Wilsons may be the oldest continuing family from the 1800s. Billy Wilson, Greg Wilson, Lynn Wilson Tackaberry Krimert were significant contributors and advisors to this project.
Additional donors
- Allendale Woman’s Club
- Alsdorf, John, Patti
- Amarante, Evelyn, Steve
- Anicito, Susan Fitzpatrick
- Baum-Colella, Lindsey
- Blondin, Joe
- Bratten, Emily
- Brown, Mark
- Cauwenberghs, Keith, Nancy (Strangfeld)
- Cauwenberghs, Kyle
- Chinnici, Joe
- Cianci, Christine
- Clark, Ted
- Coates, Diane, Kevin
- Cocks, Janine Nephygi
- Cotz, George
- Doolittle, Jeff
- DuVernay, Larry
- Dziczek, Missy
- Episcopal Church
- Erny, Nancy Wilckens
- Ettenberg, Merry Monaghan
- Getto, Ginnie
- Griffith, Todd
- Grossmann, Paul
- Harris, Doug, Ruthanne
- Haynes, Diane Vitale, Matt
- Highlands Presbyterian Church
- Hirsch, Lauren
- Indoe, Patricia
- Jacober, Laurie Bernstorf
- Jentz, Nicole
- Johnson, Eric
- Kanning, Kevin
- Kantola, Nancy
- Kasmauskas, Dominick
- Kistner, Ron
- Knight, Jenna
- Krimmert, Lynn Wilson Tackaberry
- Kunisch, Art
- Kunisch, Bob
- Kunisch, Chris
- Kunisch, Chris
- Lee Memorial Library
- Lockard, Jim
- Magro, Dorothy, Basil
- Mahwah, Library
- McCarthy, Gwen
- McDowell John, Family
- McGill, Elayne
- Mischler, Sue Cauwenberghs
- Monaghan, Diane Tremitiere
- Muller Cindy, Anderson
- Newman, Bill
- Northern Highlands Regional High School, Julie Goldberg, Librarian
- NHRHS, Other
- Osborne, Lisa Ford
- Parenti, Jill
- Ramsey Library
- Rand, Douglas
- Ridgewood Library, Bolger
- Rohsler, Bruce
- Ruth, Gloria, Rod
- Sardo, Steve
- Schellerup, Bill
- Scherb, George “Chip”
- Schutte, Adrienne
- Simon, Layne
- Skelly, Marthe Newton
- Smith, Karen Falcke
- Soued, Barbara (Savini)
- Storms, Warren
- Strangfeld, Rich
- Strauch, Jim
- Strauch Family – Marilyn, Cindy, Patty, George
- Straut, Ron
- Sykes, Sally Ivany
- Tallia, Isabel Ivany
- Tallia, Robert
- Tellefsen, Ethel, Ed
- Thurston, Bob
- Thurston, Sandra Wilson
- Tillinghast, Linda Keet
- Tremitiere, Bob
- VanRiper, Barbara
- Waldwick Library
- Ward, Chris