As I think about the many events that define Allendale, I wondered what era contributed the most to today’s Allendale. For simplicity, I’ll call this period “the 1960s.” It was actually 1959 to 1971. During the 1960s, residential and commercial developments were replacing remaining farmland and estates. Rising land values encouraged large property owners to develop for commercial use. Residents worked together to preserve the remaining open space and to save historic homes. To make my case, let me detail two significant events that I feel ‘bookend’ this period.
First, on January 1, 1959, the Allendale Police Department was reorganized with two police officers – Robert D. Wilson as the new police chief and Frank Parenti as sergeant. Originally, the Police Department was established in 1928 with William Reimer as the first chief. In 1939, after numerous complaints about his conduct, the mayor and council ‘defunded’ the police, dissolving APD and replacing public safety responsibility with the marshal system, with most marshalls serving part-time. Coincidentally, immediately after Reimer’s passing, the APD was reestablished.
Last, in 1971. Crestwood Lake was purchased for $1million from Van Houten Realty. Originally established in 1928 as a private lake club, the owners entertained an offer to sell the property to Duro-Test to develop the property into a corporate headquarters. After several years of public debate, the borough stepped in and purchased 70 acres of the property, preserving the lake for Allendale residents.
Hillside Elementary School, Northern Highlands Regional High School, United States Post Office, and a new firehouse were all built in the 1960s. Here are a few other events that occurred between these two events.
George A. Dean (1959), Robert I. Newman (1959-1966), Joseph F. Waldorf (1967-1968), Herbert Lange (1969), and Albert Merz (1969-1972)
Police Department Reorganized
Mayor George A. Dean swears in Police Chief Robert Wilson and Sergeant Frank Parenti
Borough considers buying property in shopping district
The borough debated spending $60,000 property where Acme is located today to develop the municipal complex (borough hall, police headquarters, library).
Van Houtens consider commercial development for Crestwood Lake property
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Dogwood flower
At the recommendation of the Allendale Garden Club, the dogwood was approved by the council as the borough flower.
Calvary Lutheran Church
New Sunday school dedicated.
Municipal Building
Borough took over the War Memorial Building at 290 Franklin Turnpike, dedicating its first municipal building.
Developer Beir-Higgins completed the first phase of its nine-acre shopping center, which included a drugstore, gift shop, dry cleaning business, beauty salon, and an A&P supermarket, the mall’s dominant store.
121 acres of Boroline Road considered for industrial use.
Firehouse destroyed
The original firehouse at Erie Plaza was destroyed by teens smoking.
Voters from Allendale and Upper Saddle River approved a referendum to build a new regional high school on Hillside Avenue. Groundbreaking on May 15, 1964.
Post Office
Allendale’s new U.S. Post Office dedicated.
Guardian Angel moved to Franklin Turnpike and East Allendale Avenue
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State Tercentenary
Communities across New Jersey celebrated the state’s tercentenary (300th anniversary). Allendale held a parade that included 17 fire departments, floats, and marchers from many local organizations.
New firehouse
New firehouse dedicated at Erie Plaza
Presbyterian Church
Allendale members of the First Presbyterian Church of Ramsey announce plans to create a satellite church in Allendale, Highlands Presbyterian. Title of the property of the former Epiphany Episcopal Church was transferred to the trustees of the Presbytery of the Palisades. On April 1, 1965, Thomas Ward became its first Presbyterian minister.
Boroline Road
Boroline Road rezoned for industrial use.
Girl Scout Troop 149
Allendale’s Girl Scout Troop 149 visited Congressman William Widnall in Washington, DC.
Borough Seal
The council passed resolution No. 1 to establish an official borough seal based on the contest winning drawing by Brookside School student, Maureen Murray.
Sewers approved
The council approved an ordinance for sewers. Work began in 1969.
Church of the Epiphany
Dedication of new Church of the Epiphany facility at 500 West Crescent Avenue, moving from Franklin Turnpike. Shortly thereafter, the Presbyterian Church of Ramsey purchased this former Franklin Turnpike location to become the Highlands Presbyterian Church.
Northern Highlands Regional High School
Northern Highlands Regional High School opens. Dedication on March 20, 1966.
Timeline Heading
Peter and Margaret Koole conveyed their home at 105 Hillside Avenue and 9.8 acres of their farm to the Allendale Board of Education.
Zip Code
Allendale is assigned Zip Code 07401.
Guardian Angel Church
Guardian Angel Church dedicates new 600-seat building and parish hall.
LML Librarian Retires
Librarian Hilda Sprague retires, replaced by Grace Husselman.
Sewers approved
Council passes resolution to move forward in providing sewers, agreeing to spend $25,300 for detailed plans.
Hillside School opens
New Hillside Elementary School opened with 595 students. Dedicated on October 15, 1967. Aileen Wilson was appointed first principal.
New Police Chief
Police Chief Robert Wilson retires. Lt. Frank Parenti was sworn in as new police chief.
Churches merge
When Methodist churches and the Evangelical United Brethren churches merged, the name was changed to Archer Memorial Church.
Brookside School
Brookside School name first appears in graduation booklet.
Ambulance Corps first female member
Ethel Tellefsen becomes first female member of Allendale Ambulance Corps.
Pool closes
The municipal pool on West Crescent Avenue was damaged by the hurricane and closed.
Police Department new headquarters
The police department moved its headquarters to a rented home at 59 Cottage Place. It would move to 290 Franklin Turnpike in 1978.
Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library was established at the home of Mrs. Samuel Raber.
Allendale buys Crestwood Lake
Mayor and Council approve spending $1MM to purchase 70 acres of Crestwood Lake.